Welcome to my GIS portfolio for Open Source GIS in Fall 2019 at Middlebury College. View the labs I completed to learn more about the potential of working with different open source data and software, and how to use GIS as a critical tool for analysis.

Final Project: Spatial Autocorrelation in R

For my final independent project, I conducted a spatial hotspot analysis using RStudio. Here, you can see how to create neighbor objects, make a weight matrix, and calculate and plot different elements of spatial autocorrelation.

Analyzing the Content and Spatial Distribution of Tweets about Hurricane Dorian: Real Storm Surge or Sharpie Maps?

In lab 10, we conducted an analysis of the content of twitter activity during Hurricane Dorian, and mapped the hotspots of activity to analyze whether the real path of the storm or President Trump’s sharpie maps had more of an affect on tweets about the storm.

Twitter Use Case - Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Users’ Sentiments Across Space

To learn more about the different uses and analyses of twitter data, I reviewed an article investigating public sentiment across space using tweets.

Vulnerability Analysis and Issues of Reproducability in GIS

For this lab, we attempted to reproduce an analysis conducted by Malcomb et al. on Malawi household climactic vulnerability. Our process revealed several issues in reproducibility and the importance of considering error and uncertainty, especially in the creation of social vulnerability indices.

Modeling Flood Resiliency in Dar Es Salaam Using OSM

By using data from the Resilience Academy and Ramani Huria, for Lab 6 I analyzed the density of buildings in each subward in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania located in a floodplain. Read more about the analysis and view the map online.

Using SAGA to Model Global Digital Elevation

Using ASTER and SRTM data, I analyzed and visualized the hydrological landscape around Mount Kilimanjaro. I then looked for sources of error and uncertainty in the data layers by created a batch processing algorithm to automate the hydrological analysis.

Modeling Distance and Direction in QGIS

Read more about how I built a model to show distance and direction of polygons from a point in QGIS for the first lab assignment.

FOSS4G Conference Article Blog Post

Read my article summary and review of a paper utilizing Open Source data for energy access planning in Tanzania to understand some of the interesting ways open software and open data sources make deeper analyses possible in GIS.